I can't tell you how incredibly proud of him I am:) He's now studying for the bar exam....uggghhh! Just when he though he was done!! He takes it the last 3 days of July, please keep him in your prayers.
As for me, I've been feeling pretty good. As you all know, the Texas summer heat really gets MS symptoms going, but so far so good. I've been eating better, exercising....not as much as I should be though, and trying to stay cool and rested. I've been having some aches and pains in my legs, but at least I can feel them:)
I had a good check up with my retina specialist a few weeks ago. My left eye is doing a lot better, no inflammation or floaters. So, I'm doing a very low dose of steroid drops only twice a day in the left eye and still the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drops 4 times a day in both eyes. As for the right eye, it's being more stubborn....still doing the stronger steroid drop 4 times a day in that eye. Still aftermath from me being a stubborn patient and getting off my drops in the right eye several months ago. Anyway, my doctor still has high hopes she can get me off at least the steroid drop sometime soon. I'm sure I'll be on the NSAID's a while, but that's fine because I see clearer with them.
Overall though, I'm feeling great! Hope everyone is having a good summer so far. Stay cool!!
"Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer’s year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul."